What’s the Real Reason Your Diabetes Isn’t Improving?
Discover the root causes of your disease, and what you can do about them, in Dr. Botelho’s free webinar.
Diet, exercise, and lose weight.
But it hasn’t reversed your diabetes. In fact, it’s probably not even managing your condition, much less improving it.
You’ve spent years following the same protocols you always have, and when those fail, your doctor prescribes medication – starting with Metformin.
If that story sounds familiar, there’s a reason. This treatment plan is the go-to recommendation for almost every single diabetic, and yet diabetes is still the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.
That’s the problem. Diabetics come in all shapes, sizes, nationalities, and backgrounds. Even people with the “healthiest” lifestyles suffer from this disease.
So why is everybody getting the same treatment plan?
The truth is that diet, exercise, weight loss, and common medications usually only serve to MASK your symptoms – not to REVERSE them.
If you want to reverse your diabetes for good, you first need to identify the root cause. And that’s the difficult part, because Type 2 Diabetes can stem from multiple factors.
Contrary to popular belief, Type 2 Diabetes is NOT caused by what you put in your mouth.
Understanding the root cause of your diabetes is exactly what we’re going to do in my free webinar, Rethink Your Type 2 Diabetes.
Together, we’re going to learn:
What could be causing your current treatment plan to fail.
What health conditions might REALLY be causing your disease.
How you can start rewriting your story and begin your journey to a diabetes-free life.
You’ve been stuck in the same cycle of diets, weight loss programs, and injections since you received your diagnosis.
It’s time to reclaim your health and your life. Click the button below to attend Rethink Your Type 2 Diabetes for free.
Together, we’re going to learn:
What could be causing your current treatment plan to fail.
What health conditions might REALLY be causing your disease.
How you can start rewriting your story and begin your journey to a diabetes-free life.
You’ve been stuck in the same cycle of diets, weight loss programs, and injections since you received your diagnosis.
It’s time to reclaim your health and your life. Click the button below to attend Rethink Your Type 2 Diabetes for free.
“Diabetes is personal for me. I lost my mother early to this disease after she spent years undiagnosed and improperly treated. For the past 20 years, my work has been motivated by my desire to help people like her, and their families, lead diabetes-free lives.
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.
I am passionate about helping my patients reclaim control of their health and reverse their condition. My approach focuses on treating each patient as a unique case based on their individual factors. This is why I’ve had the privilege of watching hundreds of patients get back to the lifestyles they once knew and loved.”
Deb got her energy and
life back in 4 months…
“I’ve lost 30 pounds and changed my eating
habits dramatically… My A1C went from 7.5 to 6.1,
and hopefully still dropping”
“I’m going to start riding bikes with my husband soon!”
“I’m not only getting better health, I’m getting younger.
It’s a beautiful thing.”
Take the first step towards a life without diabetes

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