Helping Patients Turn Around Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypothyroidism.

Hidden Causes


Get Real
Are You Struggling to Overcome Type 2 Diabetes or Low Thyroid?
Are you tired of the diet, exercise, lose weight approach that hasn’t been working for you?
Are you tired of not being heard?
Are you sick of the one-drug-after-another approach?
Are you tired of getting worse over time and not better?
Are you sick of not being able to participate in life like you want to?
Are you concerned about future complications?
Do you feel like you have been on a never-ending merry-go-round?
Estimates and research suggest it can take up to 20 years for new science and treatments to reach your doctor’s office. Do you have that much time? Why wait when cutting edge treatments and research is at your fingertips?
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Dr. Botelho, D.C. can provide customized solutions for patients with:
Autoimmune Conditions
Low Thyroid
Type 2 Diabetes
Biotoxin Illness
“I’ve stayed on the diet, drank a lot of water, taking my supplements and I’m feeling much better than I did when I first started and I’m going to continue this for another three months and four days, and we’re progressing and my primary doctor is happy, I’m happy, Dr. Botelho is happy, we’re all happy, so everything’s working for me.”
“Since I’ve been on the program, my A1C is now 6.0, my blood pressure medicine has been cut in half, and the most important this is that I feel better than I’ve felt in years. My blood pressure medicine, I used to take two pills a day, and now I’m on a half a pill a day. Normally doctors have you increase medication, this is the first doctor that I’ve ever had where I’ve decreased medication… As far as any recommendation I would say run to Dr. Botelho he has changed my life.”
Dr. Botelho, D.C.’s Unique Health Solution These are the elements behind our patient’s success.

Uncover the Hidden Causes
Discover what is really causing your disease/symptoms

Get a Comprehensive Diagnosis
Getting beyond the label-of-disease

Receive Customized Care
Experience the power of being treated like an individual

Achieve Real Results
Create a new reality where You actually get better”

Access a cutting edge healthcare team
Experience the new standard in healthcare
“This practice is remarkable. Dr. Botelho uses very individualized care combined with cutting-edge science, sophisticated testing, and diet to make a significant difference in the lives of their patients. In the last 7 months, my husband’s energy level on a scale from 1 to 10 has gone from a 3 to an 8 and is still climbing. He has an energy level I haven’t seen in years! His Type 2 Diabetes numbers are excellent without any prescriptions. He’s lost 25 lbs. It’s an amazing transformation!! Our primary care physician is very impressed with the positive changes in all the blood test results that needed to show improvement and wants us to continue with their protocol.”
Learn How to Prevent and Turn Around Type 2 Diabetes

Meet Your Doctor
Dr. Emanuel Botelho, D.C., is the owner and clinical director of Dr. Botelho, D.C.
He has extensive postdoctoral training in Functional Wellness and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Botelho, D.C. is one of the few doctors certified in the Turning Around Cognitive Decline and Early Alzheimer’s Disease.
He has been in private practice for 20 years and has helped thousands of patients who have suffered from devastating and life-altering effects of chronic illness. Motivated by his personal experience with Alzheimer’s and Diabetes has led to his mission to help eradicate these conditions and the genesis of his two to books.
He is passionate about helping his patients turn around their Cognitive Decline, Early Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes, so that they can reclaim control over their lives once again!
Dr. Botelho, D.C. is a published author and has spoken nationally and internationally on the topics of health and wellness.
Dr. Emanuel Botelho, D.C.